Easter Bread

This bread can be every day bread, of course ...
Preparation time: ½ hour.
Baking time: 1 hour.

2 cups milk
2 packages dry yeast
4 cups flour
5 eggs
1 stick (½ cup) butter
2 tsp.+ 1/3 cup sugar
½ tsp. salt

Heat 1/2 cup milk to lukewarm. Add 1 cake of yeast (or 2 packages dry yeast), sugar and 1/2 cup flour. Let rise for 1/2 hour, then add 3 egg yolks. Heat 1 1/2 cups milk to lukewarm, add 1 stick butter and 1/3 cup sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt. Pour over yeast mixture. Stir in 3-4 cups flour to make a firm dough. Turn onto floured board and knead for 10 minutes, adding a little flour so dough will not stick.

Grease a deep bowl, place dough in bowl, and turn grease side up. Cover with clean cloth and let rise until double. Divide dough into 3 equal portions (save a small piece of dough for cross). Roll each portion and braid. Place in large greased pan or cookie sheet. Take a small piece of dough and make a cross for top of bread. Let rise until double in bulk. Brush top with 2 beaten egg yolks to which on teaspoon sugar is added. Bake a 325 degrees for 1 hour.

Can be fresh for 3 days, if wrapped.

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