Saffron (Šafran) - the most expensive spice in the world

Every spring, even before the grass becomes green, on the meadows of Zlatibor mountain you can see thousands of delicate flowers of saffron. The saffron crocus is a small purple colored flower, about 20 cm (around 8") tall. The flowers will have three short yellow-orange stigmas and three longer red stigmas that are about 3-4 cm long (a little over an inch). These deep red threads are to become the precious saffron spice. In the Western tradition, saffron is dedicated to the cult of Saint Valentine, the patron of love and lovers. The plant flowers at a time when the saint is celebrated.

In earlier times, in Eastern countries harbored a special kind of cultivated saffron used to paint expensive items (frescoes, Persian carpets and fine porcelain). One kilogram of saffron can color yellow three million liters of water. In order to produce one kilogram of dried saffron you need 150,000 flowers. For that you would need 2000 m2 field area to harvest. The price is very high and can reach up to 7,500 euros per kilogram. Saffron is picked by hand and it is the most expensive spice in the world. Highly valued as a drug and aphrodisiac, saffron’s flavor has been used as an ingredient in wine, rice, curries and stews for years. It is a spice that has roots as old as human civilization.

You need to know how to best release the flavor and aroma of saffron in cooking and baking. Saffron can be used in two forms, threads and powder, and each behave very differently. Saffron needs heat to bring out the exclusive aroma. Very small quantities are needed in cooking. One teaspoon of saffron thread (about 0.5 grams) will dissolve in a few tablespoons of hot water in about 30 minutes. This is one method that will bring forth the exquisite saffron flavor and color to add to your dishes. Remember to always soak saffron threads before adding it to a recipe. You can also switch to saffron powder. You will use less saffron and you won't have to soak the powder before adding it to your recipe. The chemicals in saffron are already activated in powdered saffron because the threads containing them has been crushed.

Saffron has many uses. Many people do not know that saffron has health benefits as well. It is used to treat things such as upset stomach, kidney stones, depression, menstrual cramps and arthritis. Saffron is safe for most people and they experience no side effects.

WARNINGS about saffron:
Saffron could be mistaken for a similar but dangerously poisonous Colchicum autumnale, which  blooms in late autumn. Because these plants grows at different times it makes it easier not to get them mixed up.
Too much saffron can be lethal. Consuming 7-8 grams of saffron is enough to kill you. Most recipes require only one gram which is perfectly safe.
Beware of fake saffron too. Fake powder is not uncommon. Turmeric, paprika and annatto are sometimes used to make the fake saffron powder. Some merchants may coat the saffron threads with a thin layer of honey or oil which increases the weight and consequently the price.

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